Poverty Support
For Elders
Pension Age
Check your pension age –
Attendance Allowance can be claimed if you are pension age or over and you have care needs.
Pension Credit can be claimed once you (or your partner) have reached Pension age. Pension Credit is for older people on a low income. From 15 May 2019, you will only usually be able to claim Pension Credit if both you and your partner are over Pension Credit age. You can check this using our benefits calculator – www.benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk.
Winter Fuel Payment is available once you (or your partner) have reached Pension age. It is a one-off payment £100 or £200 per year towards your heating costs.
Check your State Pension age - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Free School Meals
Free school meals are provided for all children in reception, year 1 and year 2. A child will qualify for free school meals when their family receives certain benefits or asylum support, or when the child's family has no recourse to public funds and they meet an income threshold. The same qualifying requirements apply to children in full-time education who are younger than the compulsory school age.
In Hartlepool:
Nursery school age and receives a school meal due to attending a morning and afternoon session on the same day
Including where Colleges are attached to secondary schools
Apply for free school meals: search result - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Free School Meals - Information - apply | HBC Online (achieveservice.com)
For Kids
Tess Brown
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Lisa Rose
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.